It’s true I was left in a shelter, abandoned and forgotten. I knew not my fate. I was scared and uncertain. But, I was rescued, loved, and provided a purpose.
I walk among these men so brave.
Who fought, who paid, who unquestioningly gave.
Their souls still caring in every way.
They still have heart.
They just need me to pave the way.
We are kindred spirits, these men and me. No I did not serve overseas, or go into battle and give unquestioningly. But, we share the glory of serving our country, they in the trenches, and me, well I have it very easy.
These men left family and gave their all.
It was not easy.
It was their call.
So, when we see them, do not pity and do not despair.
I am with them, because I care.
I salute them, and honor them for all they gave. I promise to love them, care for them, and show them the way.
We recently just adopted Roxie from MTGRR. I started writing a blog detailing Roxie and our other dog Kujo. Thanks MTGRR for all the help getting Roxie. Here is the link if anyone is interested in reading.