Hi...my name is Pete and I’m an orphan, but I’m staying with a really great foster family. I have a mom and a dad who love me even though I'm "temporary", whatever that means. I also have a foster brother named Hershey who romps with me all the time. We love to splash in the baby pool together!
Hershey is a really big golden retriever who used to be an orphan just like me til he got ‘dopted. He says I should just be patient and not give up hope and someone special will come to get me someday.

Maybe my Person would even let me sleep on the bed like Hershey does!! (I sleep in a nice cozy crate at night but it's kinda lonesome. My foster mom says she doesn’t want me to learn habits my Person may not like, so I’m not allowed on the furniture and I’m not allowed treats from the table. BUT…she says when I get my own Person that might change!)
Meanwhile my fosters have taught me how to walk on a leash, and come when I’m called and how to sit quietly for a treat, and they have convinced me it’s much better to go outside to pee, ‘cause that way you don’t get yelled at. So I do. They also taught me that cats are our friends. (Could'a fooled me...they seem so chaseable!) )
I know my brothers’ and sisters’ pictures are on this Web site, too, and we are all extremely cute as well as smart and healthy, so you will have a hard time choosing between us. But just the same, I REALLY hope you will pick me and become my forever Person. (And play with me every day!)
I promise to be the best dog you ever had.
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