Hi, my name is Charlie Sue. I have this new family, called a foster family. My old family left me outside on a lead. My foster mom told me I was rescued by an organization that doesn't like to see dogs left out that way. Which is okay by me, because I really like being inside too. I have been here since right before Christmas. That's a picture of me with my foster brother. He's pretty cool, he will run with me & play with me & my toys. This place also has another dog & cats. I really like the cats. I don't know why they are always going downstairs. I follow them, but I don't ever see anything worth getting excited about.
My foster mom tells me that one day I will have a permanent family that will love me just as much as she does & even more. She also told me to say how good I am, that I am housetrained and that I can sit on command. Well, gotta go, my foster sister-dog wants to play.