Hi Golden Friends,
Since I have been with my foster family almost a week I thought I would let you know how it is going. That is just in case you end up here sometime or you think I am so cute that you want to adopt me. There is a dad who seems to really like me. I can tell by the fact that he gives me lots of attention, lets me follow him around outside and plays with me when he is home. The sad thing is he disappears during the day and I have my foster mom and my foster sister dog to spend time with all day. It really isn't sad to be with them but they do have more rules. Martie lets me follow her around and shares her bed but if I get in her face she growls at me. I have learned not to bother her when she is sleeping but that is what she does all day. So I entertain myself by playing with all of these neat toys. My favorites are the bones and the balls and my Easter rabbit. My foster mom tells me to "get down" a lot and is always throwing a toy. I think she does that so I won't chew on things I am not suppose to chew on....like furniture, magazines, etc. She said she rearranged some things to help me keep out of trouble. I don't mean to get into trouble. I am just curious and sort of have a mind of my own (just like a woman) and a lot of energy. She likes for me to potty outside in the grass and I try to remember but sometimes I forget. This cold and rainy weather has made it hard but we do go out many, many, many times a day. Overall it is a pretty neat place to be BUT I have one complaint. They wanted me to sleep in this crate thing at night. It's a good place to eat and keep my toys but I cried all night and I guess they didn't get any sleep so now I get to sleep on a pillow in the den. I still wake them up a couple of times in the night to go potty but have learned to scratch on the door and that seems to work. They do make me stay in the crate when they aren't home and I whine and cry most of the time (no one seems to hear me or pay any attention.) I am really happy to see my family when they come home. I wag my tail and jump just like my foster dog! Maybe some day soon I will be able to do that at my "forever" home. Time for one of my power naps. I don't mind taking one in my crate as long as they leave to door open. Is that sort of like that motel that leaves the light on? Love, Roxie
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
An Adorned Bella
How cute does a puppy have to be? Well, I certainly set the bar.
Red is definately my color, don't you think?
Hey, as if cute shouldn't be enough, I'm also loving and smart too. Can't you just see the intelligence in my cute little face?
I better go for now. I think it's time for another one of those naps I like so well. You know it's not easy to be so cute, loving and smart.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Baby Bella (11 Weeks)
Hi! I'm Baby Bella. Aren't I just the cutest puppy you have ever seen? I have kind of a sad story. My mom, a beautiful Golden, had a short-term relationship with this Dog. He didn't even stick around to see what his litter looked like. If he had, he would have discovered he helped to produce a beauty like me. I'm not conceited. Just honest. Anyway, mom had six of us pups in a Kentucky animal shelter. The youngest of us arrived on the way to the MTGRR rescue group. Yep! seven all together. While I think my dad is very irresponsible, I'm still glad my mom and he met. Cause here I am! What would the world do without me after all?

So, listen up, Peeps! I'm not just another pretty face. I am quite smart, and will be rich and famous one day. Did you know that I am quite the inventor. I invented this thing called playing. I think it will really catch on quickly! First you run, then find a thing, I'll call a toy. Well, I'm not going to disclose all of my invention. I haven't been around long enough to patent my idea yet.
So, listen up, Peeps! I'm not just another pretty face. I am quite smart, and will be rich and famous one day. Did you know that I am quite the inventor. I invented this thing called playing. I think it will really catch on quickly! First you run, then find a thing, I'll call a toy. Well, I'm not going to disclose all of my invention. I haven't been around long enough to patent my idea yet.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Bentley's Otherside
I admit that I still have a lot of energy. I love to play ball and run like the wind. I also have a loving side. I even love other four legged animals. My foster family say that Diablo Loco (my nickname for the black creature to the left) doesn't usually tolerate other four legged animals of any kind. I think we have called for a temporary truce. I'll ignore her, and she won't hiss and spit at me all the time.
I have been on an adrenaline rush for four days! I just can't keep up with myself anymore. I need some rest!
I have been on an adrenaline rush for four days! I just can't keep up with myself anymore. I need some rest!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
High 5 to a Bentley Kind of Day
Bentley here. I'm new to the available MTGRR beautiful Goldens. My fosters took me and their dog, Meadow to the lake today. They said something about taking this exuberent dog swimming to tire him out. I don't know what exuberent is. But, I sure am tired. I think I'll recover after I rest a few minutes.
My foster family taught me to celebrate my accomplishments with a high five. I know it is certainly worth a treat.
If you can handle one handsome, energetic, and intelligent canine, let the MTGRR group know you are interested in Bentley. In the meantime, you can find me playing with my girlfriend, Meadow, or lounging on my foster mom. I am one happy boy!
Thor is having a STELLAr day today!
Hello. Oooops....I am a Chihuahua....so instead....Hola, Humans! Que Pasa?
You gringos keep asking me for an update on the World of the Thor Furry Foster Siblings. Well....I have to be honest....after we off loaded that Buddy Boy stud muffin supreme to an AWESOME family who is Gah Gah Goo Goo for him (go figure)....I got me a Mexican Mama Miracle delivered last week. Check out my new Chica Bonita.....Senorita STELLA, baby!
She is one hot Tamale...guess what....she digs the Chihuahua baby! That's right....my Golden babe is a secret Cougar! In addition to her being perfect like that.....we have soooo much in common.....we both LOVE the Thor....because I am ME after all.....and we both love MOLE HUNTING! I impressed my human parents with my hunter skills.....but this babe is Stella the Stellar at mole tracking, hunting and.....um.....I don't want to sound violent.....but when she is done....there be one less mole on the planet. We have other things in common, too.....we both love how I smell and look....that's important. We also are not crazy about cats......but that makes her more perfect in my eyes. Look at the figure on this bodacious muchacha!
I think I'm in love.....but I have a problem....my babe, Zena The Warrior Princess, ain't gonna put up with Stella The Stellar for long! My brothers Zeus and Zoro....well....they know to stay away from my babe....they hang with her.....but she is all mine to protect and take care of until we can find her that perfect forever home. She is so chill.....and she digs the dudes.....can a Thor ask for anything more? You can meet her....but the Thor will be very strict on who gets her....sweetness, chillness, beauty....loyalty and love?!?!?!? Puhleeze.....she is a complete package....Stella the Stellar!
You gringos keep asking me for an update on the World of the Thor Furry Foster Siblings. Well....I have to be honest....after we off loaded that Buddy Boy stud muffin supreme to an AWESOME family who is Gah Gah Goo Goo for him (go figure)....I got me a Mexican Mama Miracle delivered last week. Check out my new Chica Bonita.....Senorita STELLA, baby!
Thor & His Cougar Golden...Stella |
She is one hot Tamale...guess what....she digs the Chihuahua baby! That's right....my Golden babe is a secret Cougar! In addition to her being perfect like that.....we have soooo much in common.....we both LOVE the Thor....because I am ME after all.....and we both love MOLE HUNTING! I impressed my human parents with my hunter skills.....but this babe is Stella the Stellar at mole tracking, hunting and.....um.....I don't want to sound violent.....but when she is done....there be one less mole on the planet. We have other things in common, too.....we both love how I smell and look....that's important. We also are not crazy about cats......but that makes her more perfect in my eyes. Look at the figure on this bodacious muchacha!
I think I'm in love.....but I have a problem....my babe, Zena The Warrior Princess, ain't gonna put up with Stella The Stellar for long! My brothers Zeus and Zoro....well....they know to stay away from my babe....they hang with her.....but she is all mine to protect and take care of until we can find her that perfect forever home. She is so chill.....and she digs the dudes.....can a Thor ask for anything more? You can meet her....but the Thor will be very strict on who gets her....sweetness, chillness, beauty....loyalty and love?!?!?!? Puhleeze.....she is a complete package....Stella the Stellar!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Hi everyone! My name is Cole and I’m so happy to be living in Tennessee with a great foster family. I use to live in Louisiana and then a big storm came called Katrina and I ended up with a new family and then they moved and took me to a shelter, so I’ve had a busy time in my 6 years. It wasn’t much fun in the shelter, lots of other animals but my not enough of my favorites; people, to go around. Then I was brought to a great foster family in Tennessee and I’m lovin it! I make my foster mom laugh because every time she shows me that long blue thing I just know it means we’re going outside and I do a dance. I can’t help myself I just feel like dancing because I’m so excited. And the other time I dance is when I know it’s time to eat! I love being outside and although I’m not really use to having this blue thing hold me back my foster mom is trying to teach me to keep up with her and not have her keep up with me, guess she’s just not as fast as I am, but I think I’m doing okay. It’s just so exciting to be outside and going for walks. And I don’t mind being alone in the house either, it’s a time when I just chill out and relax until someone comes home to be with me again. I let my family know when someone is outside our home as I want to protect it but I don’t say anything unless it’s to let people know that I know they’re out there. At night time I just settle down either on my big pillow or beside it and I know it’s quiet time so I’m happy to just sleep until it’s morning and time to eat and walk again. My foster Mom tells me all the time what a good boy I am, I am totally housetrained and am just happy to be around people and in a warm loving home. I am waiting patiently for a wonderful family that I can adopt as my forever family and I know it will happen. In the meantime I’m doing good and just hanging out being part of the family. Oh and those Tennessee storms, they’re nothing compared to what I’ve been through, they don’t even wake me up! Take care everyone and I’ll be in touch!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
A Lucky day at the lake

We went to the lake for a swim with my foster sister, Meadow. Last one in is a rotten egg! Besides swimming, Meadow and I enjoyed playing one of my favorite games, Tug of War! Meadow sure is strong. But, I have some moves that make her let go. After all, I am the DUDE!
I hated to see ourday come to an end. I sure hope we can come back again real soon.
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